Wednesday, November 28, 2007
environmentally sound of music
So now that you're on your own, its really time to start living your enviro-friendly ideals, don't you think? Practice watch you preach with these easy tips from dontcallmom!just think, if we dont all contribute our part, our grandchildren will never get to experience the majesty of the redwoods, the quiet dignity of the great coral leaves, or the majesty of the great white shark.

1. If it's yellow, let it mellow. If it's brown, flush it down. Your roommates may take some convincing on this, btw.
2. Get off Standby! Leaving your electronics on standby (tv, computer, cable, etc) is only gonna raise your electricity bill and waste energy, so turn them off when you're not using them.
3. Water's in danger, shower with a stranger! Seriously, mother earth needs that water more than you need to lather, rinse, and repeat. Try showering every other day to save water and don't dilly-dally when you're in there.
4. Don't buy things. Manufacturing all type of product uses up ridiculous amounts of resources. So if you don't need it, don't buy it or buy it used. And remember, plastic is made from oil, so avoid plastic at the store and at the singles bar.
5. Walk. Cars are for fatties.
6. Recycle. duuuh. But seriously, your local landfill really shouldn't be getting all the empties from that party your landlord had to break up. Pretty much everything booze comes in can be recycled. As can many other packages and paper products or something.
Help planet and this little guy will love you forever...
Cd at 9:55 PM