for new adults who are ...just a step behind

Thursday, October 4, 2007

in business

hello friends!
welcome to your favorite new blag.

Here on "don't call mom" we hope to provide a resource for young people who are newly living in their own places and off in the world. Taking this step in life leads to many unforeseen challenges and questions which often have simple answers that are not as simple to come across. However, your mom knows them all.

However, calling your mom every five minutes just makes you a tool.

So, wait on that "phone home" until you really need her for something special (money,) and turn to us instead!

will you take this journey with us?

-Becky and Norelco, Co-Founders- The LAMP Project

Cd at 9:15 AM



at December 1, 2007 at 4:42 PM Blogger Katharine formerly t*na said...

you wrote "blag" when you meant blog silly.


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